Driving Lessons Huskisson Vincentia Bay and Basin Area

So now that you have passed the first of the knowledge tests to gain the ability to drive on the road, you now need to learn to drive. The best way to go about this is to have some lessons by a professional who will teach you how to drive this 1 tonne vehicle safely and how to drive it sensibly obeying all road rules to ensure that you make it to the next step, passing your driving test – getting your P Plates.


There are some great areas to learn to drive in and around Huskisson and Vincentia, as well as the Bay and Basin area. The streets are slightly quieter than in town. Yet you still have all the aspects needed to learn to drive well enough that you will pass you P’s first go. There are plenty of hills to practice hill starts on where the roads aren’t so busy. There are areas that have varying speed limits, round-abouts. I think the only thing missing is a set of traffic lights.

Once you get the hang of a few simple tasks: such as getting a smooth take off if you are learning in a manual; hill starts; getting through roundabouts with correct indicating; and many more tasks that are involved with driving a car that once you have mastered these skills they will become second nature. Then I suggest that you book in for a lesson around town. Danny will be able to take you through a mock test to see if you are absolutely ready prior to you spending the fee for attempting to get your P Plates. Danny would like all of his students to pass first go!!

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